​I have a number of King James Bibles available to anyone in the UK
searching for the truth who cannot afford to buy a Bible themselves.
If you want to read ALL of the Bible, then the King James version
is the only one worth having.
And please be assured that, if you request a Bible from me, what you will receive will be the WHOLE Bible
- the Old Testament AND the New Testament -
because, despite what many mainstream preachers teach these days,
there is no point only having half a book
and the two testaments are meant to be read and studied together.
The only Scripture Jesus and the Apostles had and quoted from was what is now called the Old Testament,
so that should show us how important it was.
You can NEVER avoid the truth
You can only delay the day you deal with it
May I politely request that anyone
who can afford to pay for a Bible
obtains one elsewhere
in order to allow me to continue supplying
free Bibles to those who cannot afford to buy one.
Please do not request a Bible as a present for family or friends.
If someone is truly seeking to get to know God and His Son Jesus Christ,
then, by all means, point them in my direction and I will be happy to help by sending a Bible to them at their own request.
I am a firm believer that money, or the lack of it, should not
prevent anyone from having the word of God.
The Bible sent will be either old, new, marked in places,
well-worn or in perfect condition.
Please contact me with any specific requests and I will try to match them.
May God bless your reading of His word
God's word will never make sense to those seeking to simply discredit what it says in order to mock believers. If you earnestly wish to get to know God better,
and the Bible is the ONLY way we can do this, then please treat His word
with respect and request His help and wisdom through prayer
to understand what is written
and the LORD will graciously grant clarity to
genuine seekers who hunger for a closer walk with Him.
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God,
that I will send a famine in the land,
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water,
but of hearing the words of the Lord
And they shall wander from sea to sea,
and from the north even to the east,
they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord,
and shall not find it.
(Amos 8:11-12)
Time is running out folks!
Seek ye the LORD while He may be found,
call ye upon Him while He is near
(Isaiah 55:6)​
This offer is for a real book, not a download, app, or whatever.
You won't be expected to jump through hoops to get it; no quizzes, questions, etc.
Nobody will come visiting you.
Please click the button below and leave your name and address with any special requests and a Bible will be posted out to you.
​I never ask or expect people to donate because I prefer to direct my requests to God Himself and if it is His will that I continue to offer and send out free Bibles, then I trust He will provide the funds in some way or other. He certainly has so far.
I am not rich by any means, but at least 10% of my income goes towards the LORD's work
and I have been amazed at how much this small amount can stretch to.
The LORD has also put it on other people's hearts to help me with donations
from time to time for which I am truly grateful.